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Survey Follow-Up and First Meetup Scheduled

By stretch | Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 2:15 a.m. UTC

The survey I announced last Friday concerning real-life networker meet-ups has received nearly 400 responses so far! I had intended to run the survey for two weeks, but it seems the flow of responses has dwindled and a number of very strong patterns have emerged. Let's analyze the results one by one...

Survey Results

The following results were collected from a total of 374 submissions.

1. How often would you want to attend a meeting?

Most people prefer to meet once per month, with roughly even numbers preferring to meet more and less often.

2. What day(s) of the week would you prefer to attend?

There's a pretty narrow spread here because most people selected more than one day. We notice a significant bump in the middle of the week, Tuesday through Thursday, which seem like our prime days.

3. How many people would you prefer be present per meeting?

Those with a preference on the matter clearly favor a moderately-sized group.

4. How long would you prefer each meeting last (roughly)?

I don't think there's much question that two hours is our sweet spot here.

5. How far from home or work would you be willing to commute to attend (one-way)?

The majority of respondents are willing to commute up to 30 minutes or more out of their way, which is great news especially in congested metro areas like mine.

6. How much, if anything, would you be happy to donate per meeting?

Donations can be used to fund higher-quality refreshments and miscellaneous administrative costs, such as a subscription. It's great to see that people are (presumably) so generous!

7. Would you want to give a short presentation on a topic which interests you?

Most people would prefer a little time to come out of their shell before presenting anything to a larger audience, which is completely understandable. Personally, I envision presentations serving primarily as casual ice-breakers to kick off open discussion.

8. Would you be interested in hosting a meeting?

Yeah, I'm not really sure yet either. I guess we'll have to find out after the fact whether I'm up to the challenge.

Northern Virginia Meeting Scheduled!

Heeding some advice from the free comment section of the survey, I've created a Northern Virginia (NoVA) Networkers group on Our first meeting is scheduled for July 3rd at 6pm in Reston, Virginia, at the Reston branch of the Fairfax County Public Library. Oh, and anyone who makes it to the first meeting gets a free poster!

I'm very excited to kick off the first of what I hope will be a long series of engaging discussion groups. And I'm even more excited about the prospect of starting a ring of such meetups in other areas if this one proves successful.

Posted in Announcements


June 13, 2012 at 1:12 p.m. UTC

Perfect...down the street from where I live, I will be there...Can I get your autograph with the poster??? :-)

June 14, 2012 at 9:20 a.m. UTC

Awesome..Many thanks to Jeremy for creating an opportunity to meet and discuss the IDEAs, till now it was in virtual world :-).

Could some one please take the summary of the meet and post it here, so that we could too know your IDAEs, bcz I based out in Bengaluru, India.

June 15, 2012 at 12:55 p.m. UTC

Would be nice to be there

Please think on any way to open it vía internet, so many europeans/other countries as me would love it for sure!

Great idea indeed, keep it up!

June 21, 2012 at 1:22 a.m. UTC

Any in in the New York City area interested in meeting up? I'm currently studying for the CCNA.

June 29, 2012 at 12:27 a.m. UTC

I've been thinking of doing a Minneapolis Cisco Users Group. I haven't been able to locate an existing one (really?!).

Jeremy, I think you'd better share your list of Minneapolis / MN interested parties! ;-)

July 5, 2012 at 12:38 a.m. UTC


I only wish I could attend.

Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.


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